(Kinnaird Worldwide Family number 01)

The following genealogical family tree show the connection between King Malcolm II and the last laird of Culbin, Alexander. Click on the "thumbnail" picture you want to view.

*1* The Link with the Mormaers (native leaders) of Moray. Traces the connection between King Malcolm I and Richard of Moray (de Moravia), through MacBeth.

cultre11.gif (27533 bytes) Mormaers of Moray link to King Malcolm I

cultree1.gif (35348 bytes) Mormaers of Moray link to King Malcolm II


*2* The Genealogy of the Murrays of Culbin. Traces the connection between Richard of Moray (de Moravia) and Egidia, who married Sir Thomas Kinnaird (born Abt. 1400).

cultree2.gif (25198 bytes)










*3* The Kinnairds of Culbin. From Sir Thomas Kinnaird (born Abt. 1400) to Alexander Kinnaird, the last laird of Culbin, born Abt. 1655.

cultree3.gif (49769 bytes)